A. Pedal Pushers B. Nassau Shorts C. Toreadors D. Slacks E. Ranch Pants F. Calf Skinners G. Short Shorts H. Slim Jims I. Bermuda Shorts J. Capri Pants K. Clam Diggers L. Jamaica Shorts
(Yes there is more than one answer for some).
Here's a hint --so you are sure to get at least one correct.
Finally some warmer spring weather around here this week! Not to mention all the building Grey Gardens anticipation...
Pernille, Buddah and I decided to do an Edie-Edie inspired fashion shoot. (Turns out we didn't have to look any further than my own back yard for the perfect dingy, grey backdrop.) The clothes are a combination of stuff I've had forever, stuff I just got last week in Vermont, and stuff I've hidden away upstairs because it's too fragile to hang in the shop, like this amazing chiffon and lace 1920s garden dress, in mint condition: Check out the whole set of photos here.
Blog Clog is, to quote myself, "when too many ho-hum blog post ideas pile up in the drafts folder-- and I decide to mush them all together into one big, easy, condensed, ho-hum blog post". Purging the system.
1) First Speaking of purging the system... People are taking advantage of the fact that I'm over-stocked and need to move stuff along already. Easter weekend has been extremely busy and isn't even over yet. The new $10-or-less rack is offering some great bargains---much of it selling at or below cost. Check out this wool ochre coat with original tags. Was $55, snatched up for ten bucks.So, if you score a real bargain on one thing, it takes the sting out of me holding my ground when I want $75 for a special piece like the victorian blouse this girl bought the other day:
2)Do you know this woman? She left a very pretty scarf here- would love to get it back to her. It's just a coincidence I have a picture of her, because she modeled this 80s denim jacket for me, something I sort of detest but got in a big box lot once. Kind of Mildred Pierce meets Sherlock Homes meets Canal Jean? Some of us who were already adults in the 80's can't really appreciate the younger generation's love of 80's fashion. I didn't wear it then, I don't want to see it now. It's kind of bugging me that 95% of the "Vintage" on etsy.com is from the 80s and 90s, but whadda you gonna do? We all draw the vintage line in a different place.
3) Pssst! Wanna get a Pucci dress at Goodwill prices? Well guess what? Our local Goodwill Store has one! It's authentic polyester and has an Emilio-Pucci-for-Blah-dee-Blah label inside. Price.... $399.99. Wah-waaah, not much of a Goodwill price. Further developments to be announced; Five and Diamond has a team of special agents watching the dust gather on this very rare and precious piece...
4) Door to Door Darning
San Francisco artist Michael Swaine is my new Recycle/Repair hero. He created a portable ice-cream cart-style mending station, complete with umbrealla and pedal-powered sewing machine. Very cool... here's the vid-
5) Grey Gardens!
Who's having me over Saturday night for the HBO premiere of Grey Gardens? If PM Wine Bar doesn't pull through with a premier party, I'm going to need an invitation. This is one of those extremely rare situations where I cannot wait for the DVD. From what I saw in the trailer, Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore do an awesome job, not to mention the art direction and costuming.
6) Rest in Peace, Princess Mitzi
Sorry to end with sad news, but I must mention that our wonderful shop cat, Princess Mitzi, passed away 2 weeks ago. Mitzi loved sleeping in the window
sleeping in the apron bin
and sleeping on any/all petticoats.
She was also extremely affectionate and silly, often goofing on customers by pretending she was a hat: