Tuesday, February 17, 2009


You can never be overdressed,
only underdressed.

Five and Diamond Vintage
Corner 5th & Columbia Sts.
Hudson, NY
Thurs-Sun 12-5 pm,
and by appointment.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Live report from Albany, NY : It's getting bad out there...

Be afraid, be very afraid. .This is what I saw at the mall today.

I could not bring myself to go inside this store and price these things-- it's mind boggling enough they exist at any price, they're so ugly....

....And this is what I saw at Salvation Army today:

Yes, ugly 70s polyester shit shows up daily at Sal's, but if you take a good look at this pic you can see that they're priced at $19.99 each!.

whatta world, whatta world...